November 2014

The fund raising day at Hovedgården Secondary School was a success, resulting in a total of NOK 43,482.-.  For this we are truly grateful!  Our idea is that this is money to be used for lunch for the pupils at the Oasis of Hope school.

There has been activity on more fronts: The band Far Out gave a concert at Musikkflekken at Sandvika on 14th November.  During the intermission we were allowed to make a short appeal, which gave us NOK 2,185.-.

In addition the pupils of Hovedgården have arranged “Run for Hope".  They managed to get local  sponsors, and the money flowed in!

At our school the graduation has taken place this month.  The children who have been attending kindergarten and who are ready for first form in January were given their testimonials.   Great fun with song, dance and speeches. 

October 2014

Some change of personnel has taken place: four persons have left and three have joined us.  Two of the newcomers are qualified teachers, and we are now working to find another teacher.  Our aim is to have a well educated personnel, caring for the pupils, which in turn will give the children the best possible offer of schooling.  As of July we have been paying wages to the school’s personnel.

Hovedgården secondary school  at Heggedal has decided to make the OoH school their sponsored school, meaning that every year they will arrange fund raising days for the school.  This year these days will take place 30th and 31st October.  The money will be used to provide lunch for the pupils of our school.   This engagement is greatly appreciated and we look very much forward to the result!

August 2014

A school completely without books is rather miserable. At the Oasis of Hope school even the teachers have not had access to their own books. They have had to borrow from colleagues at other schools, books that have had to be handed back after a while. The school’s schedule comprise eight different subjects/themes, all of which require books, and it goes without saying that the need Is great. Thanks  to you donors we have now been able to buy the first load of books – 56 in all – primarily to be used by the teachers.

Juni 2014

I uke 25 ble det støpt gulv i klasserommene på skolen vår. Du verden for en forbedring! Bildene taler for seg.

Slik så det ut inne i klasserommene før støpingen.

Jordgulv i regntida fungerer ikke særlig bra. Ungene ble syke av å gå og sitte i gjørma.

All the water needed for the casting had to be transported in cans by car.

This is what it now looks like!  The new floor will keep the water out.

Both teachers and pupils are very happy with the result.


It looks good outside as well!

Our sincere thanks to everybody for contributing to making this possible.

May 2014

Rainy season in Kenya now.  Our school has earthen floors.  The teachers report more illness than usual due to wet and muddy floors.  The learning situation is unbearable.  Charles has sent us a budget showing costs for casting new floors in the four classrooms.  We have transferred kr. 5000.- to cover materials and labour costs for casting and some improvements to walls and ceilings.

Planned start of this job in week 23-24.

May 2014

We have also started work towards our next goal: Wages for the teachers at the Oasis of Hope school.  Kr.  6000.- extra per month will give all the teachers a decent pay.  They deserve this because of the formidable job they are doing for the children there.  Until we have sufficient means to cover this, the teachers get a monthly remuneration as a token of our gratitude and a signal of our intention to keep  them as teachers at our school.

We need more regular donors, giving us sufficient means to cover this every month.

Help us reach our goal!  Your contribution means a lot to many!

April 2014

We have reached our first goal:  All the kids now get a meal on the days when they attend school.

Many thanks to everybody who has contributed to this!